We are passionate young people committed to shaping a world that respects fundamental human rights and the environment!

Water For Eloubaline
The community of Eloubaline recently reached out to us to share their urgent need to restore their water cisterns. The current cistern damage has made access to safe drinking water critical. People of Hope and AWAKE are committed to helping achieve long-term and consistent access to safe water for more than 600 villagers.
In January 2022, we will restore Eloubaline's cisterns.
Download our report to learn more about this collaborative project.

The Blue Gold: Water
Challenge Of The 21st Century
It is unthinkable in the 21st century not to have access to safe drinking water. Yet the WHO2 stated that in 2019, 2,1 billion people around the globe lacked access to safe water at home, and 785 million did not even live near a drinking water source. Among them, 206 million are further than 30 minutes away from the first drinking source, and 144 million still collect untreated surface water from lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams. Rapid access to safe water is not just a comfort; it allows for more time for income-generating activities and education, an essential component of a healthy diet. On the other hand, unsafe water is a disaster that radically diminishes infant mortality and waterborne diseases. Worldwide, 829.000 people die yearly from waterborne diseases, and 297.000 are less than five years old. Let's do something about it!

Water for Senegal
Since 2017, People of Hope has supported rural villages lacking clean water access by providing water purification filters and repairing the community-owned water cisterns. The villages we work with rely on collecting rainwater in large cisterns, yet the cisterns are often in poor condition, causing contamination of the water with dirt and bacteria. Consumption of contaminated water affects the villagers' quality of life and leads to waterborne diseases, one of the primary sources of mortality worldwide. In addition, the water in the cisterns evaporates faster since the roofs are destroyed. As a result, water scarcity forces the villagers to search for drinkable water in other villages miles away, resulting in a significant loss of time and energy.

Water for Senegal
From February 2018 to April 2018:
Distribution of 222 domestic water potabilization filters (220 Sawyer all in one and 2 lifesaver jerrycans) in 7 villages (Eloubaline, Bandial, Etama, Djilapao, Seleky, Enampore) exhibiting the same issues. More than 200 families and 5 schools equipped, thus reaching around 2000 people.

Water For
From November to December 2018:
Restoration of the rainwater cistern (500 m3) of Bandial, main fresh water source (drinking, cooking, hygiene) of 500 villagers.

Project «Discovering the Ocean »
December 2018:
Introduction to the ocean as a therapy for deaf and dumb children of the Colombins association in Dakar, through surf and snorkelling: organization of activities and distribution of gears (surfboards, neoprene suits, masks, and snorkels).

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